He Knows Me

Feb 2, 2025    Ps. Jorge Romero

This message explores the profound reality of God's complete knowledge of each person and His constant presence in our lives. Drawing from Psalm 139, the Psalm. Jorge emphasizes God's omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence, encouraging listeners to embrace a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. The message challenges believers to move beyond surface-level faith to a place of complete openness and vulnerability before God, recognizing that He knows us fully and loves us unconditionally.

Key Points:

- God knows us inside and out, better than we know ourselves

- God is present everywhere, at all times, transcending physical locations and time

- God's power is reflected in His limitless knowledge and thoughts

- There's a difference between knowing about God and truly knowing Him intimately

- We are called to be transparent before God, allowing Him to search our hearts

- True relationship with God involves both His knowledge of us and our pursuit of knowing Him

The Gathering Church is located in Midland, Texas.

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